How It Works
- Children ages 0-5 are eligible to participate
- Visit the Children’s Department for your paper reading log or register through our Beanstack page. You can also find us on the Beanstack app (search for Middletown Public Library RI).
- Each time you read a book together with your child, record it in Beanstack or color in a circle on the paper reading log.
- For every 100 books logged in Beanstack or on the paper log, visit us to claim a prize!
- When you reach 500 books you receive a book browsing bag – you’re halfway there!
- 1,000 books earns your child a free book of their choosing and a reading certificate.
Does reading the same book over and over count?
YES! Children love (and learn through) repetition. If you read the same book 3 times, record it 3 times.
What books can I read?
Any books you want to read. You can read books from home, the library, anything! Books that your child listens to in storytimes at the library also count. We’re also here to help you find books that you and your child will enjoy.
FUN FACT: Reading just 3 books a night, you could reach 1,095 books in 1 year! The only goal though is to reach 1,000 books before kindergarten starts, so take your time reading with your child and enjoy.
1,000 books reading log to print at home!
1,000 Books To Read Before Kindergarten, But Thousands of Books to Choose From
Let us help you get started with some reading suggestions
Books for Babies
Books for Toddlers
Books for Preschoolers