The library provides passes and coupons to a variety of educational and cultural destinations throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Patrons present a library card at the Circulation Desk to obtain a pass or coupon. All passes circulate for a one-week period. No reservations are allowed and there is a limit of one pass per organization per card or family. The late fee on an overdue pass is $5.00 per day. Replacement cost is charged for a lost pass.
Audrain Automobile Museum, Newport, RI - ACCEPTING PASS
Library Offers 2 Passes that allow FREE Admission each into museum. Passes circulate as a set.
Hamilton Family Aquarium, Newport, RI - ACCEPTING PASS
Pass offers half-price admission for up to 2 adults and 4 children.
Historic New England - Multiple Sites ACCEPTING PROMO CODE
Discount code offers FREE admission for 2 adults and their children/grandchildren under the age of 18 to tour one of Historic New England's 38 sites. One coupon per family (card holder must be 18 or older).
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA – PROMO CODE ADMITS 2 PEOPLE AT $10.00 EACH, Advanced purchase recommended
Promo code admits 2 adults (general admission and special exhibition) and up to 4 children (special exhibition only) ages 7-17 at $10 each. There is no discount for children 7-17 for general admission, currently $10. Pass is not applicable toward discounts on shopping, parking, dining, films, concerts, lectures, courses, or any other public programs. Children 6 and under are admitted FREE.
Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT – ACCEPTING PASS
Specific day Pass allows 50% off admission for up to 2 adults and 3 children (ages 4-17, under 4 are free on the day printed on the card).
New England Aquarium, Boston, MA – ACCEPTING COUPON
Specific day Coupon admits up to 4 people at 50% off regular admission rate (ages 3+) – pass not valid Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. One coupon per family (card holder must be 18 or older).
Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI - ACCEPTING PASS
Pass offers FREE admission for 2 adults (visitors 17 and under are FREE).
Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, RI – ACCEPTING PASS
Pass allows for FREE TRAIL ACCESS for up to 4 people (must check in at the Welcome Center before hiking on the trails), Also offers 10% discount in the Barn Owl Shop and Discounted Rates on educational programs, Valid through October 31,st 2023.
Pass admits with free admission up to 2 adults and 2 students for a self-guided tour during any regular admission hour. Pass may NOT be used for any special events or guided tours.
USS Constitution Museum - ACCEPTING PASS
Pass allows FREE admission for up to 9 people (One pass per party).