What to Read
Book reviews, author interviews, and more.
Over 40000 bestselling author bibliographies with all the latest books, covers and descriptions.
Have you ever finished a great book and wanted to find more just like it? Or wanted to help your child find just the right book to read? With NoveList, we help readers match up with the books that are right for them.
A go-to resource for finding all the books in correct order for a series. A valuable index for finding books based on character, location, and subject. Discover new authors, or find the next book by your favorite one.
What to Watch
The Internet Movie Database keeps you up to date with movie and tv news, awards, and release calendars.
Rates and reviews just how “fresh” movies and tv shows are. The fresher, the better.
Thumbs up, or thumbs down? Roger Ebert was famous for his reviews, and this site carries on his name in reviewing the latest movies. Search through thousands of movies and reviews.
Reviews movies, tv, games, and music. Find what is best to stream on Netflix, Amazon, and other streaming services.
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Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s finest films – including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema selections.
RBDigital Audiobooks and Magazines
Expanded platform now includes access to over 30,000 audiobooks and 50 digital magazine titles. Browse, checkout and download content on your personal device. Our current collection of magazine titles will also be expanding by November of 2019.